Yearly Archives: 2020

KNAB Announces Art Contest Winners

The Keep North Attleborough Beautiful contest to help us turn some of our town’s gray utility boxes into colorful works of art is now closed. We were genuinely impressed with all of the many entries. Thank you to everyone who submitted artwork. This contest was so much fun yet so very difficult! Regrettably, we could select only nine of the entries.  We wish every submission could have been used….they were all that wonderful. 

Congratulations to our winning artists:Karen Chandran, Kyle Donahue, Kaylee Finch, Lindsay Nygaard, Vivian Racine, Madelyn Steel, Abigail Whitney, Kimberly Whitty, Faith Wilder. Scroll through these pictures to view their winning work.

KNAB and Animal Shelter Collaboration

Keep North Attleborough Beautiful and The North Attleboro Animal Shelter are excited to announce an important collaboration. By bringing Massachusetts redeemable cans and bottles to the shelter, funds can be raised to care for the animals. Also, we will help to keep our environment free from discarded cans and bottles. Note that some places do not accept cans and bottles due to COVID.

Keep North Attleborough Beautiful