
Too few of us think about how we can improve upon North Attleborough’s charm, beauty and cleanliness. The truth is it’s a struggle to keep our community special and we can’t do it alone. Consider how a cleaner, more beautiful community can help reduce crime and increase property values. We all can make a positive impact in our town that will last for generations.

KNAB is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Board of Directors

Executive Director – Marsha Goldstein

President of the Board – Doug Reinbold

Treasurer – Anne Thompson

Secretary – Diane Hermenau

Board Members – Alicia Moriarty, EJ Smith, Katie Almeida, Marc Shepard, Jill Tobin

All of us at Keep North Attleborough Beautiful would like to take a moment to recognize the significant contributions of long time and very active board member, Frank Wojciechowski. He is greatly missed.

Keep North Attleborough Beautiful